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Ballad of the Christmas Party

In a university corridor, cold and dim,

Where the echoes of footsteps silently swim,

A Christmas carol concert began to unfold,

With tales of joy and stories of old.


And all the students gathered, hearts full of cheer,

To sing songs of Christmas, loud and clear.

In the candlelight's bright and gentle glow,

They shared the melodies they all know.

The corridors were full of festive delight,

As music soared into the starry night.

In the warmth of unity, they stood strong,

A chorus of voices, a jubilant throng.


Each verse told tales of hope and of grace,

In this humble, yet sacred space.

As the last notes faded into the air,

Memories of joy they all did share.


For in that university corridor so small,

They found the true spirit of Christmas for all.

A gathering of souls, hearts intertwined,

In the magic of music, forever enshrined.

By Fanni Piuk

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