Professor Agnes Somló is a retired instructor who had major roles in shaping the Institute.
In this interview we can discover her perspective on challenges and opportunities that shaped the current institute's scenario, as well as her milestone in this department.

"Over the years I kept on renewing the way of teaching the different fields of translation"

"I met my husband here. I was in the theatre group and he was a director and I was an actress. They were in a crisis. One actress fell out. They made me to say a few words on the day of the festival. And he asked me where have I even before. Next year I got the main part."
Barbara Deák is a former BA student who became a member of the Brown Cow Company and the IEAS secretary until now.
In this interview we traveled to the past and discovered Barbi’s memories as a student and later as a staff member of Brown Cow Company.
Interview with Professor Veronika Schandl, a former student interested in Shakespeare, English Renaissance literature and theater history.
As well as her memories of her former student years, we discover the difficulties and advantages of working with the professors from whom she took classes through this interview.

"But I think that it's more important to keep up the good things about this department. And I think if we keep it up, then everything is going to be fine."